So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.

Isaiah 30:18

“Where have you been? I have been calling and calling you!” Have you ever heard that question? Sure, you have. Here are some answers:

“Well, I have been busy.”

“I forgot to take my phone with me.”

“I was talking to someone else.”

“I forgot to put my phone on the charger and it died.”

Have you ever been talking to someone, and they say, ”Hold on, I have another call coming in.”  Do you wonder if the other call is more important than you?  While you are waiting, the phone goes dead, and then you hear a busy signal. You know that your call has ended. Then the person you were talking to forgets to call you back. 

Think about how God feels when we don’t communicate with Him, when we get distracted and forget about talking to Him even though He is waiting on us. Or when we let our spiritual phones run down because we don’t plug them into the word of God, our power source. We even put God on hold to talk to someone less important than Him.

In this same chapter of Isaiah you will find these words,

He will be gracious if you ask for His help.  He will respond to the sound of your cries. 

 Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say,  “This is the way you should go, whether to the right or to the left.” 

Isaiah 30:19 & 21

You will not have to say,  “Can you hear me now?”  because He is right there with you, no matter what you are going through. 

So keep your spiritual batteries charged up and never, never put God on call hold, because He is waiting to hear from you now.

And the Lord will make his majestic voice heard.

Isaiah 30:30

Can you hear the voice of God?  God is waiting for you to answer. 

“…Look up and see the great God upon His throne. His love and unceasing and inexpressible desire to communicate His own goodness and blessedness to all His creatures. He longs and delights to bless. He has inconceivably glorious purposes concerning every one of His children, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to reveal in them His love and power. He waits with all the longings of a father’s heart. He waits that He may be gracious unto you. And, each time you come to wait upon Him, or seek to maintain in daily life the holy habit of waiting, you may look up and see Him ready to meet you. He will be waiting so that He may be gracious unto you. Yes, connect every exercise, every breath of the life of waiting, with faith’s vision of your God waiting for you…”

Andrew Murray

Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you,  nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.

Isaiah 59:1

Well, what are you waiting for? God wants to hear from you.